Have a good time!
Sing In Thun offers choirs for girls and women ages 13 years and older in the Thun area.
Choir members will sing and perform today’s most popular songs in a fun, friendly atmosphere. Our hope is that members will find friendships, confidence and support in one of the following choirs.
Loves to singing with other women
Sie erwarb ein Masterdiplom in «Vocal Performance» an der Roosevelt Universität und engagiert sich seither leidenschaftlich, um auch in ihren SchülerInnen die Liebe zur Musik zu festigen. Sie amtierte als Chorleiterin an der Boulder High School in Colorado und hat als private Gesangslehrerin in der Schweiz und den USA gearbeitet. Phoebe verfügt über grosses Wissen in diversen musikalischen Richtungen, einschliesslich Jazz, Pop, Musical, Klassik und vielen mehr. Sie war Mitglied des Grammy-ausgezeichneten Chors des Chicago Symphonieorchesters und hat seitdem in vielen anderen professionellen Produktionen (Musicals und Konzerte) mitgewirkt.
Gestützt auf die Kompetenzen als professionelle Sängerin und Gesangslehrerin hat Phoebe 2015 in Thun einen Chor gegründet, der den Teilnehmerinnen mehrstimmigen Gesang mit richtigem Einsatz der Stimme vermittelt. Sie unterrichtet das Chorprogramm exklusiv in Englisch. Auf diese Weise werden die Sprachkenntnisse der Frauen und Mädchen erweitert, und sie werden in amerikanischen und britischen Pop und in die musikalischen Richtungen Jazz, Country und Musical eingeführt.
Coffee 'n Music!
If you enjoy starting your day with song, join the women’s Morning Glories! The Morning Glories meet on Tuesday mornings each week to drink coffee, sing, and spend time together. Members sing popular songs in the English language. With two public performances each year, this choir is for women over the age of 18.
The cost of membership is 150 CHF per semester. The fall semester is September to January and the spring semester is February to June.
Morning Glories meets on Tuesdays at 9:00 A.M. in Hünibach.
Wine n' Sound!
There is no better way to end your day than with a glass of wine and a song. Members of Wine Women and Song sing popular songs in English.
With two public performances each year this choir is for women over the age of 18.
The cost of membership is 150 CHF per semester. The fall semester is September to January and the spring semester is February to June.
Wine Women and Song meets on Thursday nights at 7:45 P.M. in Hünibach.
Mix 'n Hits!
You are beteween 8–12 years old, have fun singing and dancing?
Come and sing German and English songs with us!
Learn some simple dance steps and practice for our big concert.
Mondays from 18:00–19:15 P.M. in the Marienkirche, Kapellenweg 9, Thun.
The cost of membership is 150 CHF per semester. The Fall semester is September to January and the spring semester is February to June.
Fresh n' Fun!
Make friends, learn English and have fun singing after school in the Frappuccinas choir. The Frappuccinas meets once each week to practice singing and some simple choreography. Members will perform jazz, country, musical theater and popular songs as well as learn English quickly as our song selections immerse them in the language. Do you like popular songs by Taylor Swift, Avril Lavigne, Katy Perry, Maroon 5 and more? The choir will have two public performances each year, one in January and the second in June.
This choir is for girls ages 13–20. The cost of membership is 150 CHF per semester. The choir meets on Tuesday nights from 6:00-7:15 P.M in the Marienkirche, Kapellenweg 9, Thun. The fall semester is September to January and the spring semester is February to June.
Come by and sing along with us!